Rain’s Guide to Conferencing
My Master List for Success and Survival…
A comical yet essential list of conference survival tips.
Authors Notes:
I have attended 70+ events and have collected the words and wisdom of the most successful veterans in the space. If you do conferences right, there’s a lot of power and value in them. Depending on your conference strategy, you can either grow your network and create professional momentum… or you can return broke, tired, and hungover!
“I have every new hire read this blog before attending a conference.”
So pay attention to my list below because it won’t steer you wrong.
Define Your Goals
Ask yourself: Why am I here?
Set clear objectives before you arrive. Are you looking to meet specific people, explore the latest technologies, pitch your solutions, or simply soak in the industry trends? Knowing your goals will help you stay focused and ensure every minute is productive.
Plan Like a Pro
What do you need to accomplish to achieve your goal?
Who do you need to meet? What demo do you need to schedule? What do you need to learn? Stay focused on your goals because once you get into the conference it’s mayhem.
Susan Given’s tip is to Block Schedule the times and locations in your Calendar. Print a back up copy.
Ok Siri ‘Make a note”
FACT: You WILL forget most of what you learned unless you take the time to jot it down. Prioritize key information and contacts.
Voice memo your notes, “To-Do List”, goals, and tasks. Create your action items.
If you are sending an employee, require them to give a presentation to the rest of the company on what they learned.
Find my friends
Stalking is creepy, but tracking people that want to be found is acceptable.
For example, turn on Apple Find my friends or Google location sharing with your team during the event.
Follow the event's hashtag so you can stay current with attendees’ on social.
Wear Comfortable Shoes
Avoid high heels or new shoes, after a 16hr day your feet looked like molded plastic Barbie feet.
IF you are going to wear heels, pack foldable flats in your clutch, so you don’t find yourself sneaking into the hotel barefoot and blistered.
Pack Moleskin for blisters.
Maximize your exposure.
Meet as many people as possible.
1000’s of amazing people and a handful of weird ones.
Get out there and meet people. They are the biggest reason we go to conferences, otherwise, we’d be at home doing webinars in our pajamas!
Photo: April Rain, Kevin & Julie Frye, Kate Wilson & Grant Cardone.
Consider the source.
Be objective when listening to pitches.
There is a lot of good content out there, but there are also a lot of people who are motivated strictly to sell their product.
Research the speakers and products before you attend. It can save a lot of time.
P.W.I. Laws
Never Post While Impaired
Friends don’t let friends post while intoxicated.
Just to be safe, don’t post anything past 10 pm. Nothing good can come of it.
Do not skip dinner; go straight to drinking root beer and vodka from an ice bar.
I know this seems highly specific but it happens more than you could imagine.
Don’t Be Stupid
Everything ends up on Social Media, so don’t get your picture taken or do anything that you don’t want your boss, partner or mom to see.
This is tied to the P.W.I Rule.
You are NOT a Rockstar.
Something happens to people when they are traveling and around thousands of people. They get caught up in the whirlwind of parties and free drinks.
Know your limits. Remember that vendors, do a lot of conferences. They are pros. Don’t try to keep up, especially if this is your first event after the covid. Your party stamina may not be up-to-par.
Pace Yourself
I also know that my ability to give a sh*t decreases as time goes on.
On Day 1, I want to solve all of the world's problems but by day 3, I am not sure I even brushed my hair!
When you are exhausted you will be less focused on achieving your goals. Create “cut off” alarms. Leave when it goes off.
Friendly Fire
Be a considerate tagger.
Show people the pic and offer the first right of refusal. If they hate it, delete it.
I also don’t criticize or slam on social media. Social karma is a b*tch.
Be kind to us older gens, absolutely no high-resolution pics. Use the iphoto portrait mode or an Instagram filter!
Stay hydrated.
Travel, alcohol, and sleep deprivation can take their toll.
Sean Peoples Tip: Electrolyte powders or Coconut Water helps to keep you hydrated, alert and increase your immune system.
If you’re really in bad shape hit up an IV hydration bars.
Eat Healthy
I am the worst at this. I found myself surviving the weekend on granola bars and five-hour energy drinks.
Order room service breakfast It’s pricy but worth starting your day off right.
If you see one - hit up a Pressed Juicery, The Almond protein drink with a probiotic ginger shot do wonders for your general wellness.
Running on empty
At 3 pm you are least retentive, which is a good time to rest, recharge yourself and your phone.
It is the worst to be disconnected in the evening just as you are trying to locate everyone. I always bring at least two backup batteries.
Utalize the free shuttle running daily but if you don’t want to wait. Uber or Lyft will be a life-saver. The hotels hide the rideshare locations so locate them when you check in.
Mints. Mints. Mints.
When you are trying to network and you smell like yesterday’s cocktail hour and stale coffee you may not be conveying that long-lasting impression you are hoping to achieve.
This is my pet peeve, be cognitive of your choices! Pass on the pesto, don’t even look at the garlic bruschetta and if you eat baked fish don’t come within a mile of me! I have been known to mace people with Binaca spray.
Follow the Cool Kids
Befriend the socialites. Find The Paris Hiltons of the event they will always be up-to-date with the conference activities.
Create a group of well-informed conference buddies that agree to share all the hot spots in exchange for you doing the same.
I already have mine on group chat!
Dress For Success
People will never fault you for looking too nice. But if you look like a slob, it will impact peoples’ perception of how you do business.
You never know who you will meet, so I believe it’s always better to be safe than sorry. I know it’s inconvenient, but if it helps you make a good impression then suck it up.
Reminder you that you are not there to score so go easy on the Creed
Swag Strategy
Raiding the free booth prizes.
Be sure to do this on day one. That way you’ll be sure to get all the cool phone holders, flashlights, and even teddy bears to bring home to the kiddos.
If you wait until the last day, you’ll be leaving with gum and a foam stress ball!
Family Vacation Syndrome.
Trying to keep track of your group can drive you crazy. Don’t get sucked into other people’s agenda.
If you are traveling with a group, set times to sync in advance. Start with an early morning coffee, then divide and conquer.
Strategic Cocktailing:
This is an art form not to be taken lightly.
A co-worker once said “April don’t stay out late! Business doesn’t happen at the bar.”
What? I am pretty sure a lot of my business connections have come from cocktail reception. I’m naturally outgoing but many people need to be in a relaxed social setting before they are comfortable getting to know others.
I’m sorry I forgot your name.
Hashtag awkward! Unless you are a savant, it’s impossible to remember so many people’s names.
Download an apps like ScanCard Biz and scan people’s business cards each day from your phone and load it straight into your CRM.
At Digital Rain, we have gone paperless with individual QR codes and Contact Link: https://qrco.de/AprilRain
Just the essentials!
Conference packing takes some serious planning skills. You need to be comfortable, yet professionally, Prepared to go from the convention florescent lights to five-star dinners, to cocktail receptions when there is no time to change in between.
Plan multipurpose outfits. A black casual cocktail dress is essential. I will inevitably spill something on myself and black helps to camouflage such mishaps.
Packing Favs
Here’s my quick checklist of useful items you may forget about:
Eye drops
A huge stack of business cards (or QR codes)
Breath mints
Liquid IV
Whether you’re heading to NADA, ATI, or any other major conference, preparation is the key to success. From meeting industry leaders to discovering innovative solutions, the opportunities are endless—if you plan, pace, and prioritize wisely.
Need help planning your next big event? Contact Digital Rain to enhance your conference experience!