How to Be a Fearless Blogger

By Lindsay Kwaselow

Confidence. It’s time to channel your inner honey badger. If those little weasels can brush off a venomous snakebite after a quick nap, you can write a blog. Don’t overthink the insignificant details. Be courageous with every single stroke of the keyboard. You have a story to tell and every line of your story must demand attention.

According to the article, 8 Tips for Fearless Communication in the Workplace, by authors Victoria Simon, PhD, and Holly Pendersen, PhD, “Courage is the foundation of successful communication – and successful communication is the foundation of great achievement.” Therefore if you can’t muster up every fluid ounce of confidence you possess, you will probably never accomplish anything of real value. Bleed confidence into each blog. That may sound a little messy, but it’s how to persuade and represent yourself and your business online.

Don’t Use Weak Language. The power that resides in a single word or phrase is unbelievably underestimated. Replacing only one word in a sentence can actually change the effect your story will have on your audience. Avoid using fragile or unsure language like “I just,” “I feel,” and “I think.” Women inparticular don’t realize how often they use weak dialect in their writing and also in their speaking. Jerry Weissman, author at the Harvard Business Review recommends replacing those wishy-washy terms with more absolute language like, “I’m confident,” “I know,” and “I expect.”

Weissman also advises, “The words “I think” introduce doubt, even if only subliminally, in the minds of your audience. As a presenter attempting to persuade an audience, your job is to provide them with as much certainty as you can.

Fluff is for Pillows and Cotton Candy, Not Blogs. The average blog post is roughly 500-1000 words. There are arguments for both sides in terms of what exactly is the optimal length. Blogging experts are very much divided on this subject. Some say short is always better because no one reads anymore. Others recommend longer because it’s better for SEO purposes. The best answer is, it depends. It depends on the subject, the industry, and how often you’re posting (among other factors).

Famous entrepreneur, blogger, and author, James Altucher says, “If you are going to have a post greater than 200 words you need to get people’s eyes to dance down the page. There are three ways to do that: photos, bold text, and lists (or all three).”

Better to be Short and Sweet than...BORING. Content is a fundamental, unparalleled aspect of your marketing. We always hear, “The more content, the better!” However, keep in mind, if your boss calls for more and more content they are most-likely referring to more individual pieces of content - more blogs, more social posts, more e-books, more webinars. Longer does have the potential to be better. That is, if you have imperative and inspiring things to say. But if you find yourself looking for more words just to fill up space, that’s a problem.

People today have the attention span of a gnat. Seriously. You have about a half of a sentence to grab someone’s attention – so start off blogs strong. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to shock your reader with something unexpected, as long as it’s not offensive.

The Title is so Much More than “Just” a Title. This brings me to another very serious blogging element, the title. Sorry, but your blog title holds way more importance than your actual blog. Your title will ultimately determine whether or not you will win that teeny tiny but also monumental “click,” which is your one and only goal. Check out the book Tested Advertising Methods (although it was written in 1998, the same rules apply today). Strong titles include “How To’s,” “Numbered Lists”, and use words like “Introducing,” “Announcing,” “New,” and “Now” to create a sense of urgency. It can also be smart to incorporate a controversial term or ask a question in your title.

James Altucher sums up his success as a blogger and author by stating, “I bled, I delivered value, and I gave evidence nobody had ever thought of before.”


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